About Me

    My name is Jessica. I'm in college and I'm crafty- that's sort of the underlying purpose of the blog. But it's mostly about my life- as I see it- and how I incorporate creativity in it. I crochet, knit, cook, bake, scrapbook, sew, and decorate cakes. However, I'm a finance and accounting double major at a challenging business school. Sometimes I question my decisions, but someone recently shared some insight with me and suggested that I make the best of everything I do. I've been working on finding a balance. This blog sort of documents the search.

I was a bit confused, actually, because all of a sudden, my old blog was completely unavailable due to some domain issues. ::eyeroll::. So I had to start from scratch, but I'm not totally disappointed because I am in love with my new blog name. I've always wanted a cute-sy pun-ny blog name and I found the perfect one! hoorah!